Dale Brain Injury Services (DBIS)

September 1, 2022

We are pleased to introduce one of our newest partners, Dale Brain Injury Services (DBIS). DBIS delivers a range of community-based rehabilitation and continuing support services across Southwestern Ontario. These services are geared to individuals living with the effects of acquired brain injury and stroke, and their care partners. In addition to individual supports, DBIS also has therapeutic and recreational groups for clients and caregivers and provides clinical consultation, support, and training for formal and informal caregivers.

DBIS joined Oxford OHT with the intention of strengthening their collaborative relationships with other healthcare and social service organizations to maximize their resources and to provide the best care for residents of Oxford County.

DBIS is currently working on various projects to investigate how they can provide additional services and/or better serve other populations. Examples include persons experiencing homelessness and individuals impacted by long term post-concussion syndrome, both of which are presently under-served. DBIS looks forward to the opportunities that OHT partnership will provide for them to engage with other local providers on these initiatives and to better support our community members.

We are pleased to have the support of Dale Brain Injury Services and appreciate their drive to collaborate and support under-served populations in our community. To learn more about DBIS, visit www.daleservices.on.ca.

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